• Doctor Who- The Crawling Terror

Doctor Who- The Crawling Terror

26,00 MAD

Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. 'Mummy there's a daddy longlegs in my room!' Then the screaming start.. Lire la suite

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Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. 'Mummy there's a daddy longlegs in my room!' Then the screaming starts... Alan Travers is heading home from the pub when something rushes his face — a spider's web. Then something huge and deadly lumbers from the shadows... Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one. Then things get dangerous.

Editeur :
Date de parution :
Numéro d'édition :
Couverture :
Nb. de pages :
Hauteur :
17.70 cm
Largeur :
11.00 cm
Epaisseur :
1.70 cm
Poids :
0.145 kg

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